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[EU] Rustoria.co - RTG (UKN) Combat Arenas | AimTrain | Targets

Infos du Serveur

VIP and more available at rtg.rustoria.co

We offer many gamemodes on this server to help playerstrain their aim and gameplay. The following gamemodes and their relative information are listed below.

\tFFA :: Complete FFA...









Date d'inscription

1 juil. 2020

Serveur rust

A propos de [EU] Rustoria.co - RTG (UKN) Combat Arenas | AimTrain | Targets

VIP and more available at rtg.rustoria.co

We offer many gamemodes on this server to help playerstrain their aim and gameplay. The following gamemodes and their relative information are listed below.

\tFFA :: Complete FFA system with map roation with leaderboards featuring K/D. :: Normal (AK,Semi-Auto) | Primitive (Bow, Crossbow) | Guns (Python, P250, etc)

\tArena :: Complete Arena system for PVP or Clan vs Clan, this comes with /settings (only lobby owner can access), a ready system (just type 'r' in chat), rounds system (the first to 10), leaderboards featuring K/D, Ready state, Owner and more!

\tAim Bots :: Simple area allowing you to practise your aim against moving bot targets!

\tTarget :: Just a simple room with different ranges allowing you to train your aim and recoil patterns.

DISCLAIMER - This server is in a test period (THERE WILL BE BUGS), if you happen tofind them; please let the RTG Staff know on our Discord (rustoria.co/discord)

Règles du Serveur

  1. 01-

    Soyez positif! Respectez et aidez les autres!

  2. 02-

    Aucune insulte ou tout autre langage grossier

  3. 03-

    Évitez les discussions politiques ou religieuses

  4. 04-

    Pas d'auto promotions

  5. 05-

    Pas de spam

Staff du Serveur

