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Eireann - No Decay

Infos du Serveur

No"No Decay.No Fog.Monthly Full Wipe On First Thurs of each Month.Active Admins.
Rules:-No VAC Bans Allowed.No Griefing or Taking Over Other Players Bases.No Racism,Homophobic,Zenophobic,Abusive or Toxic Behaviour,No Signs or Flags with...









Date d'inscription

1 juil. 2020

Serveur rust

A propos de Eireann - No Decay

No"No Decay.No Fog.Monthly Full Wipe On First Thurs of each Month.Active Admins.
Rules:-No VAC Bans Allowed.No Griefing or Taking Over Other Players Bases.No Racism,Homophobic,Zenophobic,Abusive or Toxic Behaviour,No Signs or Flags with any of the aforementioned.English only in Chat.
Raiding is allowed however afterwards raiders must leave the base available to the owners,no blocking in of tool cupboard or blocking of doorways etc,all doors placed during the raid must be either unlocked or removed.
Doorcamping is part of the game and part of raiding,
however if it i carried on for a prolonged length of time and no raiding progress is achieved then it will be perceived as harassment,
players must be allowed to play the game,admins will judge each case individually,and all admin decisions arefinal.
Arguing with admins will result in muting and persistant arguing will result in a kick or eventually a ban,bans may be handed down immediately if the abuse is severe."

Règles du Serveur

  1. 01-

    Soyez positif! Respectez et aidez les autres!

  2. 02-

    Aucune insulte ou tout autre langage grossier

  3. 03-

    Évitez les discussions politiques ou religieuses

  4. 04-

    Pas d'auto promotions

  5. 05-

    Pas de spam

Staff du Serveur

