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Infos du Serveur

Welcome to The Rusty Way On this server there is a few rules. The Rusty Way Staff hope you can accept these rules, and also dont break them. If you do, prepare yourself. No racism and/or major toxic behaviour - Please respect other players on the...









Date d'inscription

5 sept. 2020

Serveur rust

A propos de TheRustyWay

Welcome to The Rusty Way On this server there is a few rules. The Rusty Way Staff hope you can accept these rules, and also dont break them. If you do, prepare yourself. No racism and/or major toxic behaviour - Please respect other players on the server and pay attention to your own words. On repeated rule breaking offenses, an admin can ban you temporarily or permanently (depending on severity ofyour offence). GROUP SIZE - Only SOLO - DUO - TRIO is allowed. This means, max 3 players in one base (also TC registration), farming, PvP, PvE and all other interaction. Removing a bag and kill a player for a short term, (for example, letting the player come back the day after) is not allowed. Whenthis rule is broken, all included players/parties will get banned from our server. (NO WARNINGS) LANGUAGE - The only Allowed languages that are allowed in global chat is English. (this means no otherlanguages besides English) On repeated rule breaking offenses an admin can kick, mute and ban you periodicly or permanently. (RACISM INCLUDED) VAC AND GAMEBANS - If you have been recently Game OR VACBanned in the last 90 Days, you will remain banned on our servers. (Dont try to appeal if your banis not older than 98 Days) GRIEFING - is allowed, this is a game mechanic that allows hostile players to build during a raid. Therefore ALLOWED. WIPE TIME SHEDULE: 2 week map wipe and 4 week blueprintwipe. Server wipes on fridays, but on forced wipe, we do not wipe the friday after.

Règles du Serveur

  1. 01-

    Soyez positif! Respectez et aidez les autres!

  2. 02-

    Aucune insulte ou tout autre langage grossier

  3. 03-

    Évitez les discussions politiques ou religieuses

  4. 04-

    Pas d'auto promotions

  5. 05-

    Pas de spam

Staff du Serveur

