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Rusty Rivers | 2x improved loot - Custom Loot Tables | Solo-Duo

Infos du Serveur

This server is designed for newer players or players wanting a chilled out server. The loot tablesare catered to make the start easier but you will still have to grind for the good stuff.

Map/Blueprints wipe on the first Thursday of...







Date d'inscription

22 nov. 2021

Serveur rust

A propos de Rusty Rivers | 2x improved loot - Custom Loot Tables | Solo-Duo

This server is designed for newer players or players wanting a chilled out server. The loot tablesare catered to make the start easier but you will still have to grind for the good stuff.

Map/Blueprints wipe on the first Thursday of every month.
2x Improved Loot - Custom Loot Tables
Higher Stacking than normal
Faster Smelting
Furnace Splitter

.......more to come in the near future.

For our discord please click on View Webpage in bottom left hand corner or visit https://discord.gg/CnWAWpex

Règles du Serveur

  1. 01-

    Soyez positif! Respectez et aidez les autres!

  2. 02-

    Aucune insulte ou tout autre langage grossier

  3. 03-

    Évitez les discussions politiques ou religieuses

  4. 04-

    Pas d'auto promotions

  5. 05-

    Pas de spam

Staff du Serveur

