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Zombiegeddon Boss Monster Edition

Infos du Serveur

In Zombiegeddon you get to pace yourself based on YOUR schedule and abilities. Build up your Rust skills by competing against Customized NPCs, not other players. The Server is designed to offer an enjoyable challenge to new, returning and veteran...







Date d'inscription

22 nov. 2021

Serveur rust

A propos de Zombiegeddon Boss Monster Edition

In Zombiegeddon you get to pace yourself based on YOUR schedule and abilities. Build up your Rust skills by competing against Customized NPCs, not other players. The Server is designed to offer an enjoyable challenge to new, returning and veteran Rust players seeking a different Rust experience.
Lots of Custom monuments with mini bosses and world bosses that drop very powerful enchanted items.
Kits for free daily and to buy in the shop.
VIP is earned through in-game rewards, NOT using real cash or donations.
Custom Loot, ZLevels and boosted gathering rates.
Multiple weak Heli's roam the skies. Call in more powerful Heli if you dare.
Over 25 scaled zones - start low and move on as yourability, money and gear increases.
Custom Guns have increased durability and magazine capacity.
Teleportation - Skinbox - Backpacks - Homes - BGrade - Quicksmelt - Personal Recycler - Raidable Bases- Water Bases, and many more Quality of Life Mods.
Various levels of Bradley roam the map.
Lifesupport and Lifesteal are enabled to help you stay alive and compete against the hardest of enemy.
There are 6 Ranks each with 6 Levels offering additional perks as you rise through the Ranks.
Wizardy let's you blow stuff up just like Harry Potter.
Build up your SKILLS as an Assassin or Juggernautto boost your powers.
Find magic lamps offering amazing gifts in barrels and crates.
Fish for sunken treasure chests.
Admin monitored chat and hosted events with a very friendly community.
Totally unique and challenging PvE experience.
Discord kJZgQdk477

Règles du Serveur

  1. 01-

    Soyez positif! Respectez et aidez les autres!

  2. 02-

    Aucune insulte ou tout autre langage grossier

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    Évitez les discussions politiques ou religieuses

  4. 04-

    Pas d'auto promotions

  5. 05-

    Pas de spam

Staff du Serveur

