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Rustafied.com - EU Trio II

Infos du Serveur

EU Trio II: Thrice the fun
Want to skip queue? Get VIP at rustafied.com/vip
For Ban appeals and support visit rustafied.com/support
Wipe schedule, maps, polls and more at our discord on rustafied.com/discord
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Date d'inscription

22 nov. 2021

Serveur rust

A propos de Rustafied.com - EU Trio II

EU Trio II: Thrice the fun
Want to skip queue? Get VIP at rustafied.com/vip
For Ban appeals and support visit rustafied.com/support
Wipe schedule, maps, polls and more at our discord on rustafied.com/discord
Wish to report a player? rustafied.com/report

Trio rules:
\tMax. 3 players authorized on TC over the course of a wipe
\tMax. 3 players in a group, one member swap permitted
\tMax. 3players basing together
\tMax. 3 players roaming/raiding together
\tNeutrality is permitted - alliances/teaming are not
\tNo giving away or receiving bases
\tCode raiding may result in a ban
\tIfin doubt, contact a moderator instead - moderators have final say

Please behave in a mature manner. Trolls, asshats, and toxic players are not welcome. Server rules: rustafied.com/rules

Règles du Serveur

  1. 01-

    Soyez positif! Respectez et aidez les autres!

  2. 02-

    Aucune insulte ou tout autre langage grossier

  3. 03-

    Évitez les discussions politiques ou religieuses

  4. 04-

    Pas d'auto promotions

  5. 05-

    Pas de spam

Staff du Serveur

