

BOLD RUST | Newbies Welcome | Solo Duo Trio | FRESH WIPE

Server Info

BOLD RUST | Solo | Duo | Trio | New Player Friendly | Active Admins

Great server to start off with in rust.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2v4qrCeC

Next Wipe: 21 Jan


1. No raci...










Jan 14, 2021

rust Server Hosting

About BOLD RUST | Newbies Welcome | Solo Duo Trio | FRESH WIPE

BOLD RUST | Solo | Duo | Trio | New Player Friendly | Active Admins

Great server to start off with in rust.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2v4qrCeC

Next Wipe: 21 Jan


  1. No racism,bigotry or Toxicity in chat, try and be friendly.

  2. This server is a trio max server
    2.1 - You can agree with other teams not to shoot each other
    2.2 - You cannot roam, raid or engage in anyPVP with a group of more than 3

  3. Raiding is allowed, but:
    3.1 - Don't raid newbie starter bases, select bases that offer a challenge
    3.2 - No Griefing (blocking TC, sealing the base)
    3.3- No base takeovers. Raid, take what you need then leave.
    3.4 - Don't take EVERYTHING - leave players with enough to pick up and continue playing
    3.5 - No raiding within the first 24 hours of a wipe

  4. PVP Is Encouraged
    4.1 - This doesn't mean you have to shoot everyone you see
    4.2 -If you have gear and guns, don't go farming nakeds on the beach or before/while building their first base.
    4.3 - If you go to a monument, Loot drop, locked crate - expect PVP
    4.4 - No door camping, especially early in a wipe
    4.5 - No roof camping (Shooting from your roof to defend your base isok though)

    Most of all try to have fun, this is a chill server, try to keep it friendly. If youkill a new player - pick him up, give him at least some of his stuff back - this is not a hardcoresurvival, dog-eat-dog server like most. Try and make the best of it.


    Report players breaking these rules to @Rogder Dodger on discord or using F7 report tool in game.

    You can get t

Server Rules

  1. 01-

    Be positive! Respect and help others

  2. 02-

    No insults, aggravations or any other bad language

  3. 03-

    Avoid political or religious discussions

  4. 04-

    No self promotions

  5. 05-

    No spamming

Server Organizers

